Piping systems in refineries, power plants, or chemical facilities are an intricate web of connected process units and equipment. API 570 inspections can be a challenge without a strategic, detailed, and comprehensive plan.
Whether you're undertaking a complete API 570 inspection on a time interval or looking to conduct just one portion of your Risk-Based Inspection (RBI) program, Gecko’s services are tailored to your objective.
Our team of API inspectors specializes in deploying robotic inspection techniques and interpreting the data to provide comprehensive assessments and monitoring plans.
Major benefits of inspecting with Gecko are:
The service and inspection history of the piping system is reviewed to deploy the appropriate Gecko resources.
MAWP determination, T_min assessment, inspection intervals, remaining life, and corrosion rate determination.
All reports, alongside interactive data-maps, are available online 24/7 for maintenance review and planning.
Complete ultrasonic gridding of assets to determine general wall thinning and map areas of corrosion.
Find defects in welds and heat-affected zones (HAZ) and perform high-definition corrosion mapping.
Identify any structural abnormalities, faulty supports, leaks, coating failures, or areas of concern for closer NDE.